Oil & Gas

Food & Commodities

Money Transport

Security Transport

Medical Distribution


Repco Interstate Logistics stands for top quality services and has made a name for logistics in West Africa since 2015. With an experienced and professionally trained team in addition to appropriate equipment and vehicles Repco is ready for new challenges. We create opportunities for entrepreneurs to make decisive steps for their business.

Energy Supply

Fuel oil, petroleum and petrol are essential resources for growing economies. We make sure you can rely on top quality supplies, whenever you need them.

Urban & Rural Solutions

From the tropical humidity of the Ivory Coast to the dry heat of the Sahara desert. Our service is available where you need it.

Interstate Solutions

We make top quality international products and resources available in your region allowing you to advance your business effectively.

Experienced Team

Our team is well equipped and trained, accustomed to regional characteristic and eager to face new challenges.

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Connecting Europe & West Africa

We provide your business with the resources it requires to thrive. Repco Interstate Logistics S.A. makes international best-selling products available in your region.

Seize the opportunity

Repco Interstate Logistics S.A. provides you with the energy it takes to grow your business or organisation. Five years of experience and thorough knowledge of the logistics business allow us to offer you individual, safe and reliable services throughout West Africa.

Prepared for the job

Our experienced team is well equipped and aware of the role on-time delivery plays for your business or organisation. We deliver top-notch service in order to make crucial goods, medicine, money and resources available where you need them.

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Make a crucial step. Advance your business now.

Repco Interstate Logistics S.A. offers you a variety of services, ranging from oil & gas supply to security transportation. Don't hesitate to contact us. Let our team find an appropriate solution for you and your organisation or business.